Katie has also re-discovered her "scary face." For a while it was happening less frequently, and I sort of missed laughing at it. Now she is back to doing it a lot. Sometimes, I think she realizes it makes people laugh because she'll smile after the scary face, but other times, she'll just make her scary face and then go on with life like she has done nothing weird.
Katie still has a lot of things she loves, and one of those things is books. She loves listening to books, looking at books, playing with books, unstacking books, and pulling books off the shelves. One of her favorite books is "Pat the Bunny." My principal gave Katie that book along with the Pat the Bunny stuffed animal at one of my showers, and Katie can't get enough of that. The other day, she went over to choose her toys. She stopped first at the newspaper to take an ad with her. Then she stopped at her toy basket and got the Pat the Bunny stuffed animal. Then she went to her books and chose "Pat the Bunny" and "Goodnight Moon." I hope she continues to love books throughout her life!
Katie's Dress from Hawaii. Thanks Uncle Jeff and Aunt Grace! |
Scary Face Returns |
Still enjoying the dress! Katie's Choice of Toys Katie's First Postcard from Grandma Noreen and Grandpa Joe Katie "Reading" Her Postcard |