My mom, dad, sister, cousin, and I took Katie to the courthouse. Once we made it through the metal detector, we had about ten minutes to spare. I went to the information desk to ask where to go, only to get the response, "You're in the wrong building." After a long set of directions, we made it to the right building and made it through another metal detector just in time for our appointment. We were in a full room of people waiting to get adoptions finalized, and we were called last, so it wouldn't have mattered had we been a few minutes late.
Once we entered the courtroom, we were only there about ten minutes. The judge could not have been nicer, and Katie even allowed him to hold her. She liked his judge's robe a lot.
Afterwards, Garyldine took us out for a Chinese meal to celebrate Katie's American adoption day!
The Beginning of the Wait
Grandma will entertain me as I wait!
Still waiting to see the judge.
Waiting some more...
If I walk awhile, the time will go faster.
The picture the judge took of all of us.
Katie got to hold the gavel.
Signing the Adoption Decree
Katie's New Friend
Just a couple of pictures at home...
I make a pretty good shelf decoration!
Having Fun with the Sunday Paper!