Katie had a great first Thanksgiving! We had dinner at our house, and my parents, Jim, and Garyldine joined us for dinner. Katie discovered the joys of Jim's creamy mashed potatoes, and as always, she enjoyed mashed sweet potatoes.
The next day, the only Black Friday shopping we did was for Katie. My mom, Jennifer, and I went out to get Katie some holiday clothes. When we returned from shopping, we invited my dad over so he could watch Katie's fashion show!
One of Katie's first holiday gifts was bubbles from her friend, Patty. Katie LOVES her bubbles. Thank you, Patty!
I'm ready for Thanksgiving!
Go ahead…begin the stuffing!
Black Friday Fashion Show
Black Friday Fashion Show Continues
Out for a Walk on a Cold Morning with Mom and Grandma
I love bubbles!
I love Patty even more!