Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

On the Road to Idaho

My mom, Garyldine, Jennifer, Katie, and I went to Idaho for an early Memorial Day. We all traveled in one car with my mom and Garyldine stuck in the back seat with Katie's car seat. They were pretty good sports about it though!  It was a short trip, but we were able to put flowers on the graves of family and friends in five cemeteries.  It was really nice to see our good friend, Dennis, again. He always guarantees a few laughs!

Luggage for the Trip - There was less luggage on the China trip last year!

Garyldine and Grandma - all smiles and energy to begin the trip. 

Eating Lunch with my New Cousins 

Lunch wiped me out!

Meeting my new friend, Annabelle, at Dennis' parents' house!

Grandma and Dennis at the first cemetery!

This cemetery has a duck pond! Quack, quack! 

Walking with Grandma in the second cemetery!

Beginning the Trip Back Home - Less Enthusiastic Smiles and Less Energy

I'm so happy! This is the last cemetery to stop at! 

As you can see, it was a beautiful rainy and cold day! 

"Scary Baby" Face at our Starbucks Stop on the Way Home!

So happy to be home, clean, and reading my book in my new chair from Idaho!

Tea Party

Katie received a little toy tea set from her dentist. She had a "party" with it the other day!

Would you like some tea, Chloe? 

Following Chloe to Another Spot 

Pouring the Tea 

Yum, yum! 

I found some CD cleaners to use as place mats! 

Putting on my fancy jewelry. 

Making sure everything is just the right way! 

Would you like another cup? 

Chloe's just tired because she didn't drink her tea!

Can't Get Enough of Chloe

Sometimes it's hard to get a picture of Katie without Chloe in it. She loves to follow Chloe everywhere!

Remember when I couldn't get up here myself, Chloe? 

So excited to be by Chloe that I can't even stay on my feet! 

Let's just stay on the floor! 


The Simple, But Fun, Things

Katie has plenty of baby toys that are meant to be just toys, but she often has fun with simple, everyday items…Kleenex, paper towel tubes, dog food, Tupperware containers, tags, etc.  She has recently figured out that the side tables in the living room have drawers. She loves to empty the drawers over and over throughout the day. One thing she discovered in one of the drawers was a set of flash cards that I had used in school a lot of years back. She loves looking and playing with the cards. One night, she was looking at them and was interested in a picture of crayons, so I went and got some crayons and markers for her. She was pretty happy when I showed her that the markers could connect into a stick.

Katie's Collection from the Drawer 

Look what I have! 

I'll search for any items under here. 

This thing is almost as tall as I am! 

I know I can reach that card! 

I can pet you with this, Chloe! 

Trying to Put the Markers Back Together

Switching to Crayons

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Outdoor Fun

Last summer, Katie enjoyed being outside and going for walks, but she didn't enjoy playing in the grass. This year, she seems very interested in the grass. She notices that it feels different to walk on it, and she walks back and forth laughing at it.

This is softer than the road! 

Have you ever walked on this grass? 

I can balance on one foot! 

I could stay out here all day!

Mother's Day 2012

Katie and I started Mother's Day by planting flowers at our house and at my parent's house. While I planted, she repeatedly told me to "Dig, dig, dig…."  The flowers don't look like much now, but they'll be pretty by summertime!

Standing by the Mother's Day Flowers 

Enjoying the Outdoors 

Will these flowers get any bigger?

Later in the day, my parents, my sister, and I took Katie on a picnic. Katie also got to go on her first hike - which turned out to be about a 10 minute hike!

I want to get up on this thing by myself! 

Where's the food? 

On My First Hike 

Stopping to Enjoy the Little Stream

What Else Can I Climb On?

Katie recently discovered that she could climb on the couch in a whole new way!

Will you lift me over the top of the couch? 

I'll just make it happen myself!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Gotcha Day" Anniversary

A year ago today, I met Katie for the first time! What a year it has been!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My New Step Stool

Since Katie was enjoying using her car on wheels as a step stool, I thought I'd buy her a real step stool that didn't roll! It's her new favorite toy!

Maybe I can climb up on this. 

Let me try with my other foot.

I'm almost up! 

This is fun to sit on! 

Look how tall I got! 

Oops! I fell off! 

It helps me get up to Chloe easier! 

Best Friends