Katie gets into some little habits that just make me laugh. She has three of those habits right now.
Lately when she accomplishes anything that she thinks is just great, she puts her arms up and says, "Ta-da!" Well actually, it sounds more like "Daaaa" in a sing-song voice. The funniest thing is that she doesn't just save her "Daaaa's" for big accomplishments. She uses the phrase for little, tiny accomplishments too, such as getting a toy out of her toy basket. "Daaa!"
Katie has some drama in her. I posted a video earlier about Katie's dramatic falls off of the slide that was made out of our furniture. What I didn't say was that she tends to have the same kind of dramatic falls at different times throughout the day. She'll be walking across the floor, and all of a sudden, she goes into a slow-motion, epic fall all the way to the floor. After each fall, she reaches one hand up, so someone can help her up. It's just too much for her to get up on her own after such big falls. If she's not close enough to reach, we sometimes just reach our hand out and say, "You're too far away!" At that point, she'll get up, walk closer to us, take another dramatic fall, and reach her arm up again. She'll do that over and over until she's close enough to reach an adult to help her up. It cracks me up!
As most people already know, Katie loves music. She loves to create music with real instruments and made up instruments. She also likes to sing. Almost from the time I met her, Katie has sung little tunes that she makes up on her own. On her 2nd birthday, my mom was with her, and she reported that Katie had sung the perfect tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." I couldn't believe it until I heard it a couple of days later. We found out later that she was actually singing the "ABC Song." (Sometimes I forget how much those songs sound alike.) She loves to hold her foam alphabet letters and sing the song. She tries to say the correct name of some of the letters, but for the most part, she just sings with da-da-da. The funny thing is that I don't think she realizes the song has a natural end. Her version continues on and on and on and on and on and on…. If anyone has forgotten the tune to the much-loved song, just come around Katie for a little while. She'll remind you until you'll never forget again!
I'm here to entertain you!