Last weekend, my mom and sister had an appointment in the city. Since Katie hasn't ever spent much time there, we tagged along. During their appointment, Katie and I went on a walk through the city streets. Although Katie enjoyed seeing the fire truck with it's siren running up close, the buildings, the cars, and the bicycles, her favorite part of our walk was finding a little park.
She got to see pigeons for the first time in person, and she was so excited about it. She slowly approached them at first, and her excitement doubled when she heard them cooing. Soon the pigeons started to move, and Katie starting chasing them. After they got away from her, she tried to fly after them. When she finally gave up on her flying ability, she searched and searched for more. She didn't find any more pigeons, but she was excited to find some crows. She discovered that crows fly away a lot quicker than pigeons.
Who ever knew a sidewalk could be made of these little square pieces?
Let's go explore!
Oh wait! I see myself in the camera!
Let me pose one more time!
I LOVED this tree!
We stood underneath it for a long time and looked up through the bright green leaves.
I can coo just like these pigeons!
Oh look! They're on the run!
Here I come!
Those little birds move pretty fast.
Benches always make me happy!
Who wouldn't be happy when you can relax in the middle of a park?
Do you see my crow?
It flew away before I was even close to it!
I'm trying to fly like the pigeons and crows!
Maybe if I jump my arm-flapping will work.
What a fun day!