Katie was so excited about Valentine's Day this year. For her, most of her excitement came from the opportunity to make cards to celebrate the day.
I had also told Katie I would take her to the zoo to see the special Valentine's Day activities. However, we drove to the zoo to find it more crowded than I had ever seen it. We gave up on getting a parking spot and went to get a small gift instead. It was a fun day!
I started my day by making Valentines, using all of my art supplies!
After we couldn't get into the zoo, I got to choose one small gift at the store.
I chose the unicorn that I've been wanting for a long time!
Then we got to go and get lunch! I love restaurants!
I had two special Valentines in my mailbox.
The first one was from Grammy Noreen and Grandpa Joe! I loved it!
The next one was from Aunt Lois.
It had a cute dog and cat on it!
Then I made Valentines for all of my friends.
Every time I made a Valentine for someone, I wanted a picture with them.
My dinosaur liked to hold his card with his tail!
Bingle kept running away from her card, so I just caught her and gave her a Valentine's Day hug instead. She loved it!
Sven enjoyed his card, and...
…so did Marshmallow!
After I made Olaf a card, we had a snack together.
To end the day, I tried on the crown I made for my mom. I discovered that her head is a lot bigger than mine!