Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 in Review

It's always fun to look back over the present year as you're about to begin a new one!

January 2018 - I got to know my new cat, Mr. Limpet, better!

February 2018 - I got to play in a winter wonderland!

March 2018 - I got to spend time with my cousin, Bailey!

April 2018 - I introduced Aunt Debby to Princess Ariel!

May 2018 - I explored some of the beautiful areas where I live!

June 2018 - I got to know our new cat, General Washington!

July 2018 - I traveled to New England and got to meet Grammy Noreen!

August 2018 - I celebrated Aunt Jennifer's birthday at the lake!

September 2018 - I started my first day of second grade!

 October 2018 - I got to go trick-or-treating at the zoo with Kai!

November 2018 - I got to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family!

December 2018 - I got to play with my elf, Nigel, without touching him!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Celebrating an Author

Before school got out for our break, Katie's class had an author celebration. Parents were invited in to hear the stories that the students had worked on to publish. I felt so lucky to be able to leave my classroom long enough to join Katie. She always blows me away with her writing!

I published the story about my birthday!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas, 2018 - Part Four

The last thing that we did on Christmas was to take our Christmas tree down. I never ever take the tree down so early, but this year, the cats were a disaster with the tree. I was so tired of picking up the lights and garland and ornaments around the house, so we decided that we would put the tree away.

While we put everything away, I locked the cats upstairs. When they reappeared, they were so confused about where their toy went.

There was a tree here. Where did it go?

Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas, 2018 - Part Three

Later in the day, my dad came over to join us for Christmas dinner. The only problem was that things had gotten so busy leading up to Christmas that I never made it to the grocery store and I didn't have much to cook at home. We ended up packing into the car to find our what our choices were for dinner, and of the few places that were open, they were all packed, so we ended up just getting take-out. It was good enough for all of us!

 We were all ready for our take-out food!

After dinner, I spent time with my family!

 I showed Aunt Jennifer my new doll, and...

 ...I gave Grandma a Christmas hug!

Then it was time to play with Snap Chat. 

It's always fun to do this every holiday! 

We even got some of our pets. Bingle looked cute! 

My mom got a picture, and... 

...Aunt Jennifer and I got one together! 

When we went to Aunt Jennifer's house, we got Sophie,... 

...Bailey, and... 


 Merry Christmas, everyone!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Christmas, 2018 - Part Two

When Katie went upstairs to get dressed, she saw that she had one more present up there. She told me that she knows that her elf, Nigel, must have left it for her. It was a happy surprise!

I loved my mini-Barbie horse stable! The horses actually move, so I timed each one as they traveled down the path to find the fastest one!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas, 2018 - Part One

Once Katie fell asleep on Christmas Eve, she slept peacefully. Once she woke up, she was ready to see her gifts! It's always hard to get clear pictures on Christmas morning because Katie moves so quickly and is so excited that the pictures are often blurry, but here are some of the pictures! She was a lucky girl!

This was one of the gifts that I got a little early this year that I loved. It was a quick-dry play-doh kit that creates sweets. It didn't arrive with a gift tag, so I'm not sure who it came from, but I'm guessing it might be from Uncle Jeff, Aunt Grace, Ian, and Eva! It has kept me very busy! 

My friends, Ella and Lukas, got me some Hatchimal gifts. I was beyond excited for all of it! 

This was a miniature Disney house that was musical! I was hoping for one! 

Aunt Debby sent me a lot! This was one of her gifts - in my favorite color! 

She also sent me this book that I love! 

 She sent me this Pocahontas doll, ...

...this writing board, and... 

...this Mulan doll! 

Some of my favorite presents are always books that I can enjoy over and over! Grammy Noreen and Grandpa Joe sent me this Michelle Obama book and... 

...another book too! She knows my style! 

Aunt Debby also sent me these Never Girls books, and... 

...Wheedle on the Needle - one of my mom's childhood favorites! 

Garyldine, Jim, and Aunt Jody gave me my own rock tumbler, and I can't wait to use it! 

Aunt Jody also sent me a book from her favorite state! 

I couldn't believe when Aunt Debby also gave me a traveling Barbie home! 

 I felt more than lucky this Christmas!
Thank you, everybody, for all of my gifts!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Eve, 2018

Katie was so excited all day yesterday about it being Christmas Eve! She woke up happy! We spent the day doing some Christmas baking. Then she got a special call from Santa Claus to let her know that he was on his way. That call got her even more excited about the day! After that, she chose one present to open.

Once she went to bed, she had some trouble going to sleep, but finally sleep hit, and she slept peacefully all night long!

The present that I opened before bed was a doll that also came with a tiny version of herself! I loved it!

Monday, December 24, 2018


When Katie walked into her classroom, and her teacher saw that they had coordinating outfits on, she insisted on a picture together.

I love my teacher!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Favorite Christmas Book

One of Katie's favorite Christmas books is the pop-up version of The 12 Days of Christmas. Katie reads/sings it over and over as she watches the pictures come to life.

I have this song memorized, but it's still more fun to look at the pictures while I sing!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Mail

Katie received two Christmas cards on the same day, and she was so happy!

The first card I opened was from my friend, Kai!

It even had his pet dogs on the back! 

The next card was from Grammy Noreen and Grandpa Joe!
Thanks for sending them!