Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Time for Easter Eggs

Garyldine came over to help us color Easter eggs today. Katie had fun - as always!

When will that dye be ready? 

I can always have fun with Grandma while I wait! 

I color and color with this crayon, but I can't see anything yet. 

I found an egg. I wish you'd hurry with that dye. 

Why are we putting the egg in the colored water? 

Sometimes it takes three people to successfully get the egg in the dye. 

Look at that bright orange egg we made! 

I kind of like the colored eggs. Don't you, Grandma? 

Garyldine is concentrating hard to help me! 

If you need help getting the egg in that grasper, I can help you.
I'm an expert now! 

We're finishing up with stickers. I love stickers!

A New Song 'N Dance Routine

Katie decided to entertain us all one night with a new song and dance routine. She had her rubber snake wrapped loosely around her neck, and as she sang into her stylus microphone, she petted her snake. The more we watched her, the more we decided that she wasn't petting the snake…she was strumming the snake like a guitar. Every rocker needs one!

I really like to make up new dance moves! 

Let me just strum my snake a little! 

I'm ready for the big time!

Hey, are you guys listening to me? 

I love my new song!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Another Friend

When Katie went back to the school for some more swing time, she met a friend who was just her age. Her new friend went down the double slide with her and taught her how to walk up the slide! Katie had a blast!

 First, I got to swing again!

Then I went down the small slide that my friend showed me. 

Then we went down the double slide together.
It was a good afternoon!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Katie has never liked wearing sunglasses outside. She usually yanks them off as soon as they hit her face. Lately though, she has been interested in exploring sunglasses when she is inside. Maybe she'll be willing to wear them outside soon.

I was at Garyldine's house. 
She called this my tribute to John Lennon. 

Who is this John Lennon guy anyway? 

 I kind of like how these feel.

Wow! The whole world looks different! 

How do these things look?

Sunglasses are the perfect accessory for pajamas! 

How do I get them on top of my head? 

How do you like this look? 

Sunglasses are alright - when you're inside!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Getting Dressed

One morning, I was getting Katie dressed and she spotted her "tutu." She had to stop everything, put on her tutu, and twirl. She was awfully cute, so I took a picture.

I start the day with lots of energy!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Guess What I'm Doing?

Katie had a plan one night. What was it?

I have my plan and my supplies! 

 Where is she?

I'll start setting things up. 

There you are, Chloe! 
Do you want to pretend to be a cow and be milked? 

Chloe ran away as fast as anything!
That was funny! 

That's okay, Chloe. I'll just hang out under the table with you!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Can I Perform for You?

Katie was busy playing with lots of different things, and she very much wanted an audience.

I have a watch and a spoon. 
Now I need to get their attention. 

Is everyone watching? 

Sometimes one microphone is not enough! 

I need to change things up a bit now. 

Should I blow imaginary bubbles?

 No, I think I'll strike a pose and turn the water bottle into a trumpet.
Aunt Jennifer turned one of my microphones into a belt, so I'd always have it with me!

I love creating music!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome Spring!

We were happy to officially welcome Spring this past week. It's always fun to see signs of the new season. In the past couple of weeks, we have seen blossoms on trees, brown trees slowly turning green, flowers popping out of the ground, and birds flying around the back of our house. We're not quite to the warm weather that we'd like, but I know we're way ahead of other parts of the country, so we're thankful!

In honor of the new season, Katie dressed in her flower costume. She has never been a fan of costumes until now. She was pretty impressed to be a flower. It made her feel like a ballerina. As soon as it was on, she began her twirling.  I eventually got her out of the costume and into some warmer clothes. After her bath though, she spied the flower costume again. She wanted nothing to do with pajamas. She had to wear her costume again and transform into a twirling ballerina!

This is one of our neighborhood trees in blossom! 

I'm a flower! 

Don't I look like a ballerina?
I'm going to twirl! 

Knock! Knock! Are you there, Spring? 

After all of my twirling, I hold onto something to regain my balance. 

I'm recovered! Time to twirl again! 

I'm happy Spring is here. 

When I got downstairs, I added my flower headband to my costume and kept twirling!