Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Back to the Zoo

I had the day off work on Martin Luther King Day, so my mom and I decided to take Katie back to the zoo. Since it was a holiday and a sunny day, it was pretty crowded, but we still had fun.

When we left for the zoo, Katie insisted on taking her toy giraffe with her. She wanted her toy to see the real giraffes. She was so excited to get to their enclosure. She kept asking me if any of the giraffes would be upside down. Why? you may ask.

Lately Katie has been entranced by giraffes. One day, I searched You Tube videos, so I could show Katie some real giraffes. In my search, I found a video that has become one of Katie's favorites. To view it, click here.

Katie was okay to learn that giraffes at the zoo are not upside down.

 I loved watching my pennies roll around and around on this. I was happy to donate pennies to the new elephant enclosure being built, but I was more happy to watch the pennies go in circles.

We were looking through dirty glass, but I got to see the baby lions. They already looked big! 

 I was so happy to reach the giraffes!

I just love to watch them. 

 I introduced my giraffe to his family.

Even though we've had flamingos at our zoo for awhile, this is the first time we've found them! 

We had to say good-bye to the tiger before we left!

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