Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Monday, April 28, 2014


One day while I was taking a shower and getting ready for the day, Katie was playing in her room. While I was putting on my make-up, I heard Katie shout, "Mama?"

I thought I should check on her, so I walked to her room and opened her door and didn't see her. "Katie?" I asked.

Katie: What?

Me: Where are you?

Katie: Over there! (This is how Katie always answers this question. She doesn't understand that she should say "Over here!")

I could tell Katie's voice was coming from her closet.

Me: Can't you get out?

Katie: No! I cain't! (Yes, she says cain't.)

I went over and opened the closet door to find that lots of things had been moved on the floor of her closet. As Katie entered her sunny room from her dark closet, she said, "The sun is so bright, it's burning my eyes! (Nothing dramatic about her.)  Mama, I went in there to become a princess, and I got duck (stuck) in the dark cave!"

I quickly discovered that Katie had tried to reach her princess costume that hangs high above her head in the closet. She had tried to build stairs to get up to her dress, but I guess the stairs weren't quite high enough. She did get high enough though to at least reach the bottom of her dress because her head and face were more covered with glitter than they had ever been! I tried to capture the glitter on camera, but only a little showed up. She truly was covered though. I wish I had a video of her trying to get her dress!

I hate when I get caught in a cave! I was brave though!

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