Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Aviation Day

Katie was invited to go to Aviation Day with her friend, Kai, and some of his other friends. She had a blast!

I was so excited to get started!

I got to use the drill. I told my mom about it, "I got to drill the thing in the thing. The name reminded me of a frog."

The Air Force plane was huge!

This is the way into the plane.

This was all of us on the plane.

Afterwards, we got to go on a special Star Wars themed plane.

We saw the controls.

This was sitting on a helicopter. Thank you for taking me!

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