Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A New Balloon

After shopping with Garyldine, Katie came home with a balloon that she was so happy with - a sun. That night, she was showing me how her sun could dance, and while it was dancing, the string came off and her balloon floated to the top of our tall ceiling - to stay until it decides to come down on its own. Katie was pretty sad to lose her balloon but tried several different plans to get it down.

My balloon went all the way up to the ceiling! 

I tried to reach it. My mom and Aunt Jennifer tried to reach it, but we were all too short.
I knew I could reach it with my duck, but that didn't work.
I thought I could stand on my box and hold my duck, but that didn't work.
I tried to attach my giraffe to my duck, but that didn't work.
I just have to appreciate my balloon from a distance!

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