Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Decorating Outside

After we got home on Thanksgiving, Katie and I decided to put out our two outside Christmas decorations. She was so excited!

It's hard to see my smiling face, but at least you can see our snowman!

Rudolph is my favorite decoration!

Monday, November 29, 2021

A Pet SnapChat Thanksgiving

We tried the SnapChat filters on our pets at Thanksgiving too. The only pets who seemed happy about it were Sophie and Mr. Limpet. The others just seemed confused about what was going on. Sadie's looking guilty in her picture because she had just stolen Katie's pumpkin pie off her plate to eat.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Preparing the Turkey

On Thanksgiving morning, we went to Jennifer's house to help prepare the turkey. Jennifer makes the turkey and stuffing each year, but we are all there for moral support and to help when it is needed. 

I did some drawing, and Grandma did word puzzles while we took part in the holiday conversation!

I didn't eat any of the turkey, but I heard that Aunt Jennifer did a good job with it!

This was my Thanksgiving plate. I ate all the carrots, the Cutie, the rolls and about a third of the stuffing. I still pass on everything else.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Katie's Art

Katie was so happy with the drawings she made the other day. It really is amazing how well she has taught herself to draw.

I worked hard on these pictures.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Did She?

As Katie tried to sit in the stuffing pot this year, it was definitely a tighter squeeze, but she still was able to squeeze in the pot!

I wasn't sure I was going to fit.

The dogs were very interested in the whole process!

I could fit in the pot, but I was happy to get out this year!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Will She or Won't She?

With Thanksgiving approaching, our very favorite holiday tradition is back...will Katie fit in the stuffing stirring pot? Ever since she was two years old, I figured she wouldn't still be able to sit inside the pot, but she has accomplished it every year. She has gotten so tall over this past year so we were all doubting that she'd get in this year.

Will I fit in or won't I? To be continued...


A Thinking Position

My sister, Debby, had asked for Katie's help in naming a cat who had showed up at her house. It was a task that Katie was so excited for, and she made sure to get in her best thinking position.

I love to think while I'm stretched out on the floor!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Enjoying the Fall Market

Last weekend, we visited our fall market to buy some local food and take a look around. It was fun to get out of the house.

It was smaller than the Farmer's Market in the summer, but it was still fun to go.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Little Treat

We had some frozen cookie dough, and we decided that it sounded really delicious to make cookies one evening.

The cookies don't look beautiful in pictures, but they sure tasted good!

A Little Practice

What's more fun than practicing your multiplication facts?

We are just practicing a bit.

Friday, November 19, 2021


Katie has been learning about food chains at school and has to complete research about it.

It's always more fun when you can work with a friend!

Thursday, November 18, 2021


Katie has been doing a lot of multiplication in math lately.

We practice multiplication by ourselves and with friends.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

It's Official

After Katie went through her Reading Mentor training at school, she was given a badge to wear to make everything official.

I was so excited to meet my first grade buddy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

An Exciting Acceptance

After filling out the application to become a reading mentor at school, Katie was accepted. She was so excited to find the note to let her know that she would become a reading mentor to a first grade student.

I was so excited to get my acceptance letter that I've kept it to look at it over and over!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Art Skills

When Katie isn't drawing, she's very often watching a video or looking at a book to learn more about drawing.

There's a lot to learn about drawing.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Love that Smile

I always love to laugh with Katie just in the small moments!

We like having fun together!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

A Little Something

Katie went to Target with my sister, and she came out of the store with a little something.

Aunt Jennifer got me a Mario Kart car with Princess Peach in it. I loved it!

Out Shopping

We don't do a whole lot of in-person shopping, but every once in awhile, we will go in a store.

We went into one of my favorite stores, and I loved checking out the candles and their scents!

Getting to the End of the Week

After Katie has finished a week at school, she's ready for some relaxation without pictures.

It's okay if you don't take my picture right now.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Last Few Fall Leaves

We are appreciating the pretty fall leaves while we have them.

We love the bright colors of fall!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

An Early Christmas Tree

My sister decided to put up her Christmas tree early again this year to bring holiday joy, and Katie was so excited to help!

My favorite part is putting the ornaments on the tree!

Aunt Jennifer and I worked together to get the tree decorated.

I love the Disney-themed tree!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Another Sketch Book

Katie recently got a new sketch book. She loves it because it's set up like a comic book, so she can sketch while creating stories.

This book combines two of my favorite things...drawing and storytelling!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Up Close and Personal

I love to watch Katie's relationship with the cats. The other day she was taking photos of them.

It makes me happy that the cats are good friends.

I always think Mr. Limpet likes the blankets best since he's from Hawaii, so I think he must like warmth!

The Disney Store

We were sad to hear the news awhile back that Disney Stores were closing. Then we heard that Targets would have a special Disney section to help fill the gap. We were finally in Target and decided to check out their Disney spot.

I thought the Disney area was cute, but it in no way replaces the Disney Store.

Fifth Grade School Pictures

 How is Katie already in fifth grade?

I wore my favorite dress for pictures.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Examining Her Dolls

Katie doesn't play with her dolls very much anymore, but she decided to take a close look at them with my mom.

Grandma likes to look at the dolls' hair, and I like to look at their accessories.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Favorite Halloween Treat

Katie had a favorite Halloween treat which she was so excited about.

I love Nestle Crunch bars, and I got a full size one!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Book Fair

Katie loves when the book fair comes to school, and I am always happy to buy her new books!

It's so much fun to spread out my new things and just examine them!

Monday, November 1, 2021

A Low-key Halloween

On Halloween this year, Katie got decked out in her costume and we did some fun things around home that of course included goodies!

Bingle liked my costume this year!