Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Always Time to Play

Katie loves school, but she also loves her free time in the summer. You can often find her in front of her doll house playing and playing and playing!

 I love using my imagination with my dolls!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Summer Lyrical Dance Class

Katie began her summer dance classes the week after the 4th of July. She's always interested to see who will be showing up to classes during the summer. They are usually fairly small classes, so even if her friends aren't there, she ends up enjoying extra attention from her teacher.

We begin each lyrical class with a lot of core exercises. We have to help each other with some of them. 

Most of the time we're on our own though. 

When I first started lyrical classes last year, my stomach muscles were sore for a week. I was proud that they weren't sore this year. 

We started learning a new dance too! This is a tricky part because we all have to walk in the same pattern at the same time! I love lyrical dance! 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Perfect Spot

After Katie bought her marigold at the Farmer's Market, she kept it watered but didn't plant it for awhile. Finally we decided we needed to get it in the ground. When we went out, Katie took a long time to examine all the different spots she might plant it, so she could end up with the perfect place in the end.

I got close to the ground and thought really hard about the best spot for my marigold!

Saturday, July 28, 2018


One of the things that I love about Katie is that she wants to learn as much as she possibly can. With that goal, she practices her school skills almost every day. In recent months, she has started creating her own folders, and she puts work in them. As I was looking through my pictures, I found this picture that Katie had taken of a folder she created. I hadn't seen her making this folder, but I loved the title of it.

I think it's important to keep track of my dreams!

Friday, July 27, 2018


This summer, Katie decided to take a short break from ballet to take a tap class with one of her friends. Since she hadn't tapped for a year, we had to buy new shoes. Katie's biggest decision was deciding which pair of shoes was more comfortable. While she tried to decide, she tapped all over the house from morning to night.

Doesn't everyone begin their day in pajamas and tap shoes? 

I had to decide if I liked these shoes better or... 

...these shoes. 

I loved them both, but I decided to go with the lace-up shoes!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

What Happened?

Katie decided to eat a popsicle and couldn't believe what happened to her tongue!

My tongue was the wrong color!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A New Bedspread

Katie was so excited to choose a new bedspread for herself.

My bedspread was colorful and glittery!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

A Pretty Purchase

When we went on the march, Katie took $1 of her money with her. After the march, we went to the farmer's market, and Katie found the perfect thing to spend her money on.

I thought this marigold would add beauty all the way through the summer!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Another March

When Katie heard what was going on with migrant children and their families at the borders, she felt it was completely wrong. Of course, she wanted to join our local march to protest the way that people were being treated.

I always like to take a purse with me on my marches. You never know when you might need a little pony. 

It also holds enough toys to entertain me when the march is over and I'm waiting to hear the speeches. 

I'm glad to be part of a peaceful protest to express my opinions! 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Queen Katie

When we were going through some of Katie's things, she found the costume Jennifer brought her from England.

I'm feeling pretty royal!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Sidewalk Chalk

One nice summer evening, Katie decided that she should decorate our access road next to our house.

I had my supplies all ready! 

 I love to create!

This was looking so much better than plain old asphalt. 

I decided to draw an iPhone text message screen. 

Then I decided to make a list of kind things to do. 

Sometimes it feels like we need more kindness in the world. 

My work made me happy! 

 My ending message was "Show the World What You Have!" Hopefully it's a lot of kindness!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A Summer PIcture

This picture just describes Katie in the summer!

I love easy summer days!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A Jigsaw Puzzle

When Katie was out getting her hair cut, Garyldine bought her a blank jigsaw puzzle. She was so excited to get home and draw a picture on it!

I loved being able to create my own picture for my puzzle! 

Thanks for getting this for me, Garyldine!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Summer Cut

Katie always grows her hair out throughout the school year since she has to wear a bun in her spring dance recital. When the recital is over, it's time for a summer cut! Katie's always excited to go with my mom and Garyldine to Nikki's for a haircut.

I like sitting in the big chair for my haircut. 

When Nikki started cutting, I wasn't nervous. I was ready for shorter hair! 

It was down to the finishing touches. 

Then I got to check everything out in the mirror.

I love my summer cut! Thank you, Nikki!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Taking a Break

This summer, we have done some organizing in Katie's room. One particularly busy day, Katie decided she needed to take a little break.

Ahhh...this is the life!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

A Planner

This summer, Katie has begun making to-do lists to plan out her day. She takes them very seriously! I love that she plans relaxing into her schedule. When she reaches that, she stops everything she's doing and sits on the couch. It usually lasts one minute and she's on to the next thing.

I have time to fit in a lot during the summer days!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Jump Roping

Katie took her jump rope to Jennifer's house to practice. She had so much fun.

 I have to start with the jump rope just in the right position, and...


Sometimes the rope seems really long! 

Somehow it all works out though - even if I keep my eyes closed! 

I love to jump rope!

Friday, July 13, 2018


Sometimes I look at Katie and she looks so grown up.

I like to sit like a grown up, and I think of myself as pretty independent these days!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Off to the Theater

We decided to get tickets to Les Miserables when it was in town since it's one of our favorite shows. We went back and forth about whether or not Katie was ready for the show. We decided to buy her a ticket. After all, she has loved listening to some of the music since she was tiny.

Since it's a complicated story with lots of parts, we talked about the show ahead. She wasn't too excited to see the sad parts - where people died, but she was really excited to recognize some of the music as part of her ballet music.

It was a fun afternoon!

I brought Barbie to watch the show with me!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Dance Recital

Katie's dance recital was two days after her rehearsal and it went pretty much as expected. She loves performing with her friends. It gives her such a burst of happy energy!

 This was me as I was heading into the theater.

 I was so excited going in that I had more of a skip than a walk.

As I waited for my first dance, I talked and colored with friends. 

 Just like at dress rehearsal, we could watch some of the older kids performing when it was almost our turn.

 Aunt Jennifer and Grandma were watching me from the seats.

 After our dance, we all felt so happy! We decided to get a picture together!

Before the second act, I had to change my costume. 

 When we were done, Gabby and I wanted our picture together again!

 Then it was time for our group picture.

 Before we left, I had to say good-bye to Gabby.

The recital was a success!