Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Should Have Seen It Coming

After all of Katie's sleeping, she got sick again…three times in less than a month. Just because she had gotten sick so often, we took her to the doctor. The doctor thought that Katie probably kept getting reinfected every time she went back to school.

Because she was sick, Katie had to miss her dress rehearsal for her dance recital. We were worried that she'd miss her recital as well, but luckily this round of sickness lasted less than twenty four hours and her recital was forty eight hours away.

She had one dance recital and two days of school left in which she'd hopefully stay healthy!

During the last month, I spent a lot of time on my couch, and… 

…on Aunt Jennifer's couch (with Sadie checking on me), and...

…on Aunt Jennifer's chair. I couldn't wait to get better!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Just Tired

After being sick two times in a matter of a few weeks, Katie had a hard time regaining her energy right away. A few times, she would fall asleep during the day and sleep all the way through to the next day.

My mom thought I had just fallen asleep for a short catnap, but... 

…it turned into fourteen hours of sleep.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Grooming Her Dog

One night, Jennifer helped Katie groom her dog Bailey. Bailey tends to "blow her coat" in the summer, and when she does, watch out! The house can turn into a hair forest!

When Bailey blows her coat, she loses hair no matter what, but when you brush her,... 

…she loses enough hair to make pillows!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Waiting for Pictures

Every year before the dance recital, the students are invited to the studio to get their pictures taken. You're not required to purchase the pictures, but we always like to go and see if the pictures are something we'll be interested in getting. This year, there was a very long wait for pictures. Luckily, Katie made a new friend to help pass the time.

I came prepared with my rain boots while my ballet skirt waited for me in the back of the car. 

After waiting a little while for my pictures, I decided to pass the time by watching the other girls get their pictures taken. 

I wondered if I would ever get a turn. 

I spent some time watching out the window for other friends to come. 

Just when I gave up on other kids from my class showing up,... 

…I met a new friend to play with!

Monday, June 26, 2017

A Surprise

Katie knew that my sister, Jennifer, had bought a new mattress for her house, but she didn't know that Jennifer was going to decorate a room just for her. When it was done, Katie was shocked to walk into the room and see her favorite character, Moana!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the room! 

I loved everything about it! 

Thank you, Aunt Jennifer!

Sunday, June 25, 2017


When Katie saw some small boxes, she decided she could easily curl up and hide.

I thought I might be able to fit into this box, but I was a little too big. 

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 

With the help of a second box, Grandma didn't even notice me when she walked by! 

I love curling up in a tiny ball!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Dressing Up

Katie loved hanging out with some of the other staff kids before school started this year. One day, Katie and her friend discovered some wigs that were brought to school and decided to enjoy them.

We weren't sure which wig we liked better, but we both loved the sunglasses!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Sick Again

After feeling better for a little over a week, Katie got a fever again. It lasted for four long days. It never seems fair to get sick right on top of just being sick.

My mom knew something was up when I had on my long sleeve nightgown, robe, and warm winter socks, and I couldn't stop shivering on a warm night. 

It never feels good to have a fever. 

I did a lot of sleeping. This fever completely messed with my energy level for weeks!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Day with a Friend

Katie was invited to spend the day with her friend, Kai. How could she say no to that?

I was so excited to ride in the car next to Kai. I was talking about it all the way to his house. 

When we got to the park, we got to go on this big slide. I remember when I was scared of slides. Now I like them! 

We got to run around and race with each other.  

Kai is almost two years younger than me. How can he be so tall…or am I that short? 

I was also excited to have a picnic with Kai. 

Wait! Where did he go?

Oops! I didn't quite make the basket! 

I loved making these art projects with our names. Thanks for inviting me to spend time with you, Kai!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Just Sitting

We were out buying a new mattress, and Katie decided to sit down to play while we were checking out. Sometimes I look at how she chooses to sit and just giggle. I guess we all find comfort in different ways.

I try to be ladylike every time I sit down somewhere.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


As I've written many times, Katie loves to go to her dance classes. She, of course, loves the dancing the most, but coming in a close second, is socializing with her friends!

It's fun to catch up with my friends before dance class begins!

Monday, June 19, 2017

A Fun Postcard

Katie was so happy to get a postcard in the mail from my sister, Debby!

I loved the front of my postcard. It seemed magical when I moved it and the picture moved!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Back to the Zoo

After going to the zoo a few months ago, Katie really wanted to take my sister, Jennifer, there. She particularly wanted to show her the playful polar bear and the giraffes. We found a day when Jennifer wasn't busy and went back. Unfortunately, the polar bear was sleeping during our visit, but we saw the giraffes out and about!

When we got to the zoo, it was really crowded. We decided to walk through the opposite way of most people to make it a little less crowded! 

It was a cold morning and the swamp monkeys were huddled together. 

I was glad I got to see the flamingos! I love their pink color! 

It's always fun when the porcupines are on the move! 

 Do you see the giraffes, Aunt Jennifer?

They are my absolute favorite! 

I could watch them all day. 

It has been a long time since both hippos were awake and out of the water. 

I also don't remember the last time I saw both rhinos! 

I had fun watching this lion wake up and go scratch the tree like a scratching post! 

This cheetah's face showed us that she was really annoyed at having an audience while she tried to sleep. 

I hopped up in the jeep with these other kids to watch the cheetahs out the window. 

I always like to stop for a snack halfway through the zoo, or I get tired by the end. 

I really liked this monkey. We looked at each other for a long time. We could communicate through our eyes! 

The carousel is always a favorite of mine too. 

I like all of the ducks at the zoo, but I especially like the blue-billed one and try to find it every time. 

Of course, I didn't forget my friend! 

We wanted to see you play, polar bear, but you deserve sleep too!