Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Princess Merida

Several years ago, I bought Jennifer a Princess Merida wig from the movie Brave as a joke. Katie was pretty little, and when we tried the wig on her, she would just cry. She doesn't cry anymore when the wig goes on, but she still likes to get it off pretty quickly!

What do you think of my red curls?

Monday, January 30, 2017

Starting the Day with Friends

Katie loves her dogs…unless they're eating her toys. In the morning, they are so excited to see her!

Good morning, Bailey! 

Hi, Sophie! 

Would you like to start your day with a toy and a hug?

Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Walk to Grandma's and Grandpa's

After the snow stopped falling, Katie and I walked over to my parent's house to shovel their driveway. While we were there, Katie took the opportunity to play with her toys there and play on their deck with all fresh snow.

I love to play with toys at Grandma's house! 

When I went on the deck, my mom came out to check on me, and I threw snowballs at her! 

I let Grandpa feel my icy cold hands so he could experience the cold weather! 

As we left, I took my "ice cream cone" that I made out of Grandma's and Grandpa's fresh snow. I thought it was delicious!

Saturday, January 28, 2017


After playing in the snow, Katie tried to entertain herself in the house. She really wanted to play more outside, but it was bitterly cold.

I decided to find all of my rocks that I could find and paint them. Before I started, I checked on what colors to mix to make new colors. Then I went to try it. 

I decided to use water colors because I didn't want the paint to stick forever. 

I liked my rocks! 

I really wanted to go back in the snow, so... 

…my mom let me go on the deck with the dogs. 

It was a happy break from being inside. 

After I went back in, I got so excited to see sledders going down our hill. I quickly grabbed paper and wrote them a note. "I am a girl. I am a kid. Love, Katie" 

The dogs and I held up the sign for them. They read it and waved to me. I liked them!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Another Big Snowstorm

I know we haven't had a lot of snow compared to a lot of the rest of the country, but for our area, we've had a ton of snow. The latest storm dumped almost a foot of snow on us. Katie had never seen that much snow at her house, so she was very excited.

After a slow sled ride with Aunt Jennifer, I decided to make a snow angel. 

I really love to be in the cold snow and make angels! 

When the dogs were running, Sophie accidentally ran straight into the blackberry bushes and got caught on the thorns. We rescued her, and she was happy! 

We used our sled for a plate for the dogs to eat snow out of! 

I liked seeing all of the snow stuck to the trees!

 Before I went in, I had to make a snowball. I was impressed with my strength!

Once my snowman had a head, I went inside to warm up.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Another Visitor at the Barbie House

Katie was excited to receive an unexpected visitor while she was playing Barbies.

I couldn't believe when I looked out the window and saw Bingle. 

After I invited her in, she walked through the door for a visit!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Another Sick Dog

A few days after Sadie got sick, Bailey got sick too. Dr. Katie to the rescue!

I made sure to listen to Bailey's heart. 

Then I gave her a shot. She didn't want one, but I told her it would make her feel better.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


One day, Katie and I were waiting in the car for my mom. She wanted to pass the time by singing Disney songs back and forth. When it was her turn, she started singing "It's a Small World" in a different language. She told me that she learned it from the Hawaiian doll that my brother and his family had sent to her. When we got home, she sang the song with and without her doll. She has always loved music!

I have always loved to listen to my doll sing.

It was hard to get through this song without laughing because the dogs were being silly in the background!

Monday, January 23, 2017

A Saturday Walk

Katie has been rather upset since she found out we had a new president. For someone who loves everything about presidents, she didn't want to watch any part of the inauguration. She has tried to give Donald Trump chances, but she has heard the way he talks to and about others, and she has no respect for that. Is there any way to defend that to a young child?

When Inauguration Day was approaching, Katie heard about the Women's March on the news one night. She asked me about why people were marching, and as she found out about this American right, she became more and more excited. She wanted to join our local march! When my mom, sister, and I told her that we would take her, she went to make a sign to hold. She insisted on making her own sign, and it said, "Be Peace and Be Kind."

On the day of the march, it was pouring buckets of rain. It didn't stop the almost 100,000 people from marching. We unfortunately left Katie's sign in the car by mistake, but she handled it well. Even though Katie was cold, wet, and feeling a little closed in by the time the march started, she stuck it out and took part. When she went to bed that night, she was still singing the song that a group of women was singing close to us.

The day after the march, Katie asked me again why Donald Trump is always so angry and mean acting. I explained that he seems to get that way when he disagrees with others. She let me know that she's not allowed to act that way in her class when she disagrees with someone. She said that instead they take deep breaths to calm their bodies down. Then they make a deal with the other person, where they each get part of their way in the end. She said they have to be respectful even if they don't agree. I am so thankful to her teachers and her school counselor who play a part in teaching her the importance of respect and self-control.

I was proud of the sign I made to carry in the march. 

This was when we first got on the train to go into the city. After a couple of stops, there was no longer any space on any side of me. It was packed with people going to the march! 

My mom and I decided we could still smile even though we had a long wait! 

We had to stand in a crowd for a long time, and it got a little cold. 

At one point we stepped out of the march just to get a better look. 

It made me feel better to come and walk with a lot of nice people!

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Katie has worked a long time in dancing on this stretch, and she never gave up. She was so happy when she could finally touch her toes to her head. Now she can't stop doing it!

I'm so glad I didn't give up!

Saturday, January 21, 2017


At Christmas time, Katie drew a picture for Santa Claus. Instead of mailing it to him, she hung it on her door, so he could see it when he visited. After that, she decided her door was a great place to hang up any piece of paper. One night, she was playing in her room, and this is what I found on her door.

Sometimes a girl needs her space, so I made a sign that said, "Don't Disturb Please."

Friday, January 20, 2017

A Typical Scene

Katie loves to play with paper whether she's drawing, cutting, taping, or creating in another way. Very often, you can find our house with a big pile of supplies where Katie is working.

My mom sometimes thinks I leave a mess behind, but I think best when I'm surrounded with my things.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

A Walk in the Snow

We were predicted to have a snow storm followed by freezing rain. Before the snow turned to ice, we took the opportunity to take a walk.

When we first started, I thought I should wear my mask for warmth. It didn't last long though! 

I remembered how much fun it was to draw in the snow with a stick, so I started by drawing a snowflake. 

Then I added a heart with a face and arms and legs. 

Finally I added words. 

Later, my stick turned into a magic wand. I tried to touch every leaf with my wand to warm it up. 

Of course, I had to play in the gutter a bit since the snow was deepest there. I love snowy walks!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Playing with Cars

Katie was playing with some cars that I bought for my classroom. She was so excited to open them up and test which cars could go the furthest. She set up her own obstacle course for the cars, grabbed the tape measure, and did her best to measure and record how far each car travelled. Her mind is always going.

First, I looked at each car and made predictions about which one would be fastest. 

Then I lined them up and got the cars going. It was fun!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Vet Returns

The morning after Sadie ate a leg off of her stuffed toy, she wasn't feeling well. Katie became Dr. Katie again, grabbed her medical kit, put on a "doctor's coat," and took care of Sadie.

I always feel bad when dogs aren't feeling well.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Who's That Knocking at the Door?

Katie and Jennifer were playing with her Barbie house, when Jennifer took a funny picture.

Sometimes a girl feels like a giant!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Tea Party

For a stretch of time, Katie enjoyed hosting tea parties with her stuffed animals every morning.

I don't have enough tea cups for everyone, so I just use coins and my imagination!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Fun with Grandma

Katie always likes spending time with my mom! They can always make each other laugh!

You're funny, Grandma!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Being Thankful

Katie started working on thank you notes after Christmas to let everyone know how much she appreciated their gifts. Of course, one of her first thank you notes that she wanted to write was a note to Santa. I guess you need to thank everyone!

I couldn't wait for Santa to get my card! 

Before I sent it, I added a few special stickers for him!