Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Play-Doh Practice

A long time ago, Garyldine sent home a Play-Doh kit for Katie to use. Katie always loves to use the Play-Doh. I've decided I'm not the most talented at making the "treats" that the kit helps create, but Katie seems happy with whatever we make.

Hmmm…what should I make? 

I'll start by using the rolling pin. 

I can't believe I made it flat! 

Here's another treat, Grandma! 

I like to practice cutting too!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Catching Bingle

The other day, Bingle happened to walk right in front of Katie. Katie could not have been happier.

Look who I caught, Aunt Jennifer! 

I love the bell on your collar! 

She sure leaves fast!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Look at My Shirt, Grandma!

The other day, Katie was wearing the shirt that my mom brought her from Disney World. She was very happy to show off Winnie the Pooh and the tiger on her shirt when my mom came over.

Here's Winnie the Pooh! 

Here's the tiger! 


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fun at the Park

Last weekend, my mom and sister had an appointment in the city. Since Katie hasn't ever spent much time there, we tagged along. During their appointment, Katie and I went on a walk through the city streets. Although Katie enjoyed seeing the fire truck with it's siren running up close, the buildings, the cars, and the bicycles, her favorite part of our walk was finding a little park.

She got to see pigeons for the first time in person, and she was so excited about it. She slowly approached them at first, and her excitement doubled when she heard them cooing. Soon the pigeons started to move, and Katie starting chasing them.  After they got away from her, she tried to fly after them. When she finally gave up on her flying ability, she searched and searched for more. She didn't find any more pigeons, but she was excited to find some crows. She discovered that crows fly away a lot quicker than pigeons.

Who ever knew a sidewalk could be made of these little square pieces? 

Let's go explore! 

Oh wait! I see myself in the camera! 

Let me pose one more time! 

I LOVED this tree! 
We stood underneath it for a long time and looked up through the bright green leaves. 

I can coo just like these pigeons! 

Oh look! They're on the run! 

Here I come! 

Those little birds move pretty fast.

Benches always make me happy!
Who wouldn't be happy when you can relax in the middle of a park? 

Do you see my crow?
It flew away before I was even close to it! 

I'm trying to fly like the pigeons and crows! 

Maybe if I jump my arm-flapping will work. 

What a fun day!

Friday, April 26, 2013


When Katie was at Story Time one week, she got to paint during her craft time. They used the dot art markers and stencils. Katie loved it, so I let her try it at home too.

My turtle needs some happy yellow dots! 

I like it!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Aunt Jennifer was cleaning out her closet and found a box of princess things leftover from her joke birthday decorations last year. Katie was thrilled!

I love the princess skirt with my wild pajamas! 

A pretty wand always makes me start wishing! 

Just call me Princess Katie!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Encouraging the Love of Music

Jennifer bought Katie a toy saxophone to add to her musical collection. It took a little bit of time, but she can now make sounds on it.

What is this? 

I'm trying to make music. 

I think music is one of the best things in the world!

Katie's Saxophone Solo -
with Aunt Jennifer accompanying on the pinwheel guitar.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Trip to the Doctor

Katie went to the doctor because one of her eyes had been runny, and it wouldn't clear up. Her doctor thinks she has some seasonal allergies. It was Katie's first trip to the doctor's office that didn't include a shot and her first trip, therefore, with no tears.  She did a great job!

My doctor is really nice to me! 

Garyldine got me a present after my doctor's appointment. 

I love balloons! 

I especially love balloons in a fun shape like a frog!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hair Bows and Clips

Katie has recently discovered her supply of hair bows and clips. Very often after a bath, she will bring the bag downstairs and choose extra hair accessories for herself and for anyone else in the house - including the pets.

This is just one of my many looks.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thank You, Aunt Jennifer!

Jennifer gave Katie a new present - brand new dancing accessories! Katie could not have been happier!

Oh my gosh! I got wings and a wand! 

My mom found my skirt after my bath.
This calls for twirling. 

This is what I did when Aunt Jennifer told me to pose. 

Could this be any more glamorous?

I put my wings on first thing the next morning
before I even took Winnie the Pooh and my snake for a morning walk.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Katie's Creativity

I know I've said that Katie loves music before, but I don't know if I can ever express how much she loves it. She often spends a good part of the day singing and dancing. Sometimes she sings real songs, and other times she makes up her own music. One night, she grabbed her flower headband, put it on as a tutu, and sang and danced. Her song just made us laugh! Katie was really excited when Aunt Jennifer learned part of her song!

Music, Lyrics, and Choreography by Katie

Friday, April 19, 2013

What Will I Find?

Katie can always depend on the drawers in the living room to have something good for her. We never know what she'll pull out because she's always changing the contents of them.

Wait until they see what I found! 

I love these glasses!

I like Aunt Jennifer's glasses too.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Who doesn't love a good game of peek-a-boo?

Where's Katie? 


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'll Read to You, Chloe!

After Chloe's bath, Katie decided to climb up next to Chloe to help entertain her while she waited for her hair to dry.

Thanks for being patient, Chloe! 
If I can just turn this page, I'll start reading to you. 

Now this is a book we can get into!