Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

I was playing with Katie in the basement. We were working on a puzzle together, and Katie kept singing. I didn't think too much of it because it's very common for her to sing while she does anything else. Pretty soon I said to Jennifer, "I've never heard this song she's singing. She just keeps saying 'cry' as part of the song."

Then Jennifer put two and two together. The day before we had watched part of Walk the Line, the biographical movie of Johnny Cash, while Katie had entertained herself with her toys. Jennifer said, "Do you think she's singing 'Cry, Cry, Cry' from the movie? That's the only thing I can think of."

So Jennifer pulled up the song on her iPhone, and Katie got the biggest smile on her face. I couldn't believe she picked up on a song like that - a song she had only heard once. Later on, Jennifer played the song for my mom. Katie said, "Gaga! The Cry Cry Song!"

I'm not sure if Johnny Cash music is a hit with all 2 year olds, but Katie's sure enjoying it! It's rather funny when we listen to all of the lyrics. I don't think it was written with a 2-year old in mind! To enjoy this song, click here .

I sing my new song to everyone! "Cry, Cry, Cry!"

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A "Sand Beach"

I was playing with Katie in the house one morning, and she said, "I need a sand beach!" I thought I heard her wrong, so I questioned, "A sand beach?" She promptly answered, "Yes!"

She grabbed an empty container for some toys and walked to the door to look for her sand beach. She told me she needed to go outside.

I took her outside and let her lead the way. She walked down to the fenced "pond" behind our house and was convinced that the beach was on the other side of the locked fence. She was so sad that she couldn't reach her beach.

I'll need to get her to a real beach one of these days. I'll be curious to see how she reacts to it now that she's older.

I've got my sand bucket ready. 

Are you coming too? 

I know the sand beach is this way. 

It's right over there! 

Hey, this is locked! So much for my beach day.

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Shopper in the Making

I took Katie out shopping. In the past, Katie has just stood by me or walked around the store as I shopped. Now she has decided to be a shopper. She'd get something off the rack she liked and say, "For me?" Before she had any answer, she'd answer herself, "Me! Me! Me!"  We did a lot of re-hanging that day!

I love these clothes! 

Oops! I dropped one! 

I made sure to pick up what I dropped, and now I can grab more!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Neighborhood Park

Usually if I'm going to take Katie to play on a play structure, I take her to the school because there's more options for her there. My mom and I took her on a walk awhile ago, and we decided to stop at the neighborhood park. She was thrilled to find a wheel on the play structure, kind of like the one she played with on Father's Day. Then her playing came to a sudden stop.

Look at this giant wheel! 

It's so much fun! 

I wanted to keep playing but I saw this giant spider and ran away. 

I ran straight to my stroller, and I grabbed my bicycle helmet in the basket for extra protection. When you see a spider, you need all the protection you can get!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another Play Date with Kai

After our Father's Day picnic this year, Kathy and Kai came over to visit. Katie brought out a lot of her toys to show both of them. Our small living room got very crowded very quickly with her display of toys. Katie got out her zoo set, her World World blocks, and her lunch bag full of kitchen utensils and chirping eggs. Then she decided to pull her table and chairs into the living room. I think she likes showing her things to people!

Kai liked biting my ostrich's head. 

This table is one of my favorite things in the world, Kai. 

Kai tried to use my things on the table, but I took them all away from him. My mom told me to share, but I knew he was too young to be in charge of a tea set. I shared cups of tea with him after I poured. 

Kai also liked chewing on my foam letters. 

Anything you can do, I can do better! 

Kai tried out my car. 

Hold on, Kai! I like to go fast! 

We ended our play date with a shared bowl of blueberries. Yum, yum!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bubbles Galore!

Have I ever mentioned that Katie loves bubbles? I think she could play with bubbles in all of her waking hours. Needless to say, all of the adults in Katie's life sometimes get tired of bubbles. I got to the point where I hid all of the bubbles in a tall kitchen cupboard, but someone spied the bubbles one day. Now she stands under the cupboard and we hear, "Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!"

We have always enjoyed Katie's bubble machine though. It saved us from blowing bubbles all of the time. This spring, I got her machine out of the garage, and it was broken. So my mom and I took her on a special trip to buy a new bubble machine and a back-up. She has already gotten her fair share of use out of them!

My mom thought she was buying extra bubble solution for the machines.
She doesn't know that we're going to use it to blow our own bubbles. 

Sometimes I'm really good at blowing bubbles, but when I put my mouth on the wand like this, it doesn't always work. 

Sometimes I just like watching my bubble machine. 

Here's our back-up bubble machine. My mom was excited that this one was a no-spill version. 

It's your turn! 

Our back-up machine makes lots and lots of bubbles!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Picking Flowers

Katie and I were out for a walk, and she decided to pick flowers for Grandma and Grandpa, who were at the house. Once we got back in the house, she gave them the flowers.

She saw them later though, when they were wilted on the chair. She decided that they were interesting enough to keep for herself. She was very excited to get a cup of water for her flowers. When I told her that the flowers needed a drink, she bent them over and dipped their heads in the water. She learned that flowers drink through their stems, and she's been very good to leave the flowers alone. They're looking much better now.

I had to remind my mom and Winnie the Pooh to "Shhh!" in case there was a bunny around. I love to see them! 

This flower is for Grandpa. 

This one is for Grandma. 

I love these flowers!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Shark

After Katie's bath the other night, Katie was wrapped up in her towel, and it presented a funny picture. I guess I don't usually pay attention to her towel.

Here comes the shark!

Friday, June 21, 2013

The First Music Recital

Katie had her first music recital last night. Her music teacher scheduled her to accompany a pianist on the triangle. She was originally scheduled to play along with her two classmates from music, but Katie ended up being the only one who could come.

I had my doubts about how Katie would do. She loves music and loves to perform in the safety of her own home, but she has never been on a stage and never been in front of an audience of strangers (with the exception of my class at school). To add to my doubts, whenever I questioned her yesterday about her recital, she wanted nothing to do with the conversation. "Are you excited to play the triangle, Katie?" "Nooo!" "Won't it be fun to play on the stage?" "Nooo!"

Katie went to the recital with Garyldine and my mom. My sister and I followed. When we arrived, Katie saw us and seemed excited. She found her music teacher and introduced us again, "Mama, Miss Jodi. Miss Jodi, Mama." Where did she learn how to do that?

Miss Jodi came later to take Katie to see the stage where she would perform. As Jodi took her towards the stage, Katie kept looking back at us like she wanted us to come with her. We just said bye to her and then she was fine with her much-loved teacher. Her teacher showed her the basket of instruments and told her she could choose whichever instrument she wanted when it was time. Then she took Katie to talk to the pianist she'd be playing with for the performance.

When Katie returned, Jodi told us that Katie would have a choice of instruments. She said she'd come and get Katie when it was time.

Katie was going to play on the fifth song of the evening. After the fourth song ended, I told her it was her turn. She went running over to Jodi and happily went on the stage with her. She decided to choose what I've always called a xylophone, but I learned it was called a glockenspiel. Jodi sat down next to Katie on stage, and while the audience waited, Katie took the time to show her dress and sweater to Miss Jodi. I was just glad that she didn't decide to show the audience her belly button, which she has been prone to do lately.

Finally, Katie was ready. The music started, and she played! I was so proud of her to be able to do that for the whole room. She got a little sidetracked by the slide whistle in the middle of the song, but Jodi got her back on track.  First music performance…done!

After Katie's song, she stayed a little over half of the concert before she got tired and went home. She took part in a lot of the dancing and easily interacted with the other dancers. It was a fun night for her!

Miss Jodi took me to the stage all by myself to see my instrument basket.

I don't know about this. Do you see all of these people?

It's my turn to go on the stage!

I chose the glockenspiel. There are still a lot of people out there.

Did you see my sweater, Miss Jodi?

Here I go!

I like playing music!

This makes such a pretty sound!

That boy can sure make an interesting noise on the slide whistle!
Maybe I should just watch him.

Okay, I'll go back to playing.

I love broccoli! It's nice to have a treat after performing!

I danced with a lot of new people that I had never met before.

I learned how to do the Chicken Dance.

I danced with my teacher a lot.

This is one of my favorite ways to sit and relax!

Sometimes you have to stop the dancing to fully enjoy the music!

Miss Jodi got on her knees to dance with me.
Of course, I had to copy her and get on my knees too!

I laughed a lot with this girl. She was playing with her blanket. She'd throw her blanket across the floor and make me laugh!

It's always nice to meet someone your own size.

I decided to be the #1 fan of this musician.
He could sing, play the piano, and play the drums.
I thought he was amazing!

Everyone needs a long drink of water after lots of dancing.

Katie's Performance

Part of the Chicken Dance

Dancing with a New Friend

Dancing with Miss Jodi