Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Friday, February 24, 2012

One Year Ago Today

Exactly one year ago, my school was closed for a snow day.  I was just sitting at home, relaxing, watching the snow, and not expecting anything life-changing to happen.  In the afternoon, I decided to turn on my computer and check my email. I found an email that I had to read multiple times to really believe. I had received a referral from China after almost five years of waiting. I was told by my adoption agency that they had been very surprised to receive the referrals. They usually had a couple of days notice.  I was also told that I'd be receiving a phone call later that day to get more details.

As the news began to sink in, time moved slowly as I waited for my call. Eventually I got another email that my agency was having a difficult time reaching my phone. I re-sent my phone number and waited some more. In the meantime, I was able to share the news with my mom and my sister, Jennifer. We all continued to wait.

Finally the phone call came. I found out that the baby was named Fu Jing Tian, and she wasn't quite 6 months old and was one of the youngest referrals to the agency. I was told she was healthy, and I was taught how to say the name of her province, Jiangxi, and her orphanage, Fuzhou Social Welfare Instititute.  Lastly, I was told that I'd be emailed a copy of her pictures very soon.

My mom, sister, and I waited some more. Finally the email came. I opened the pictures, and found a beautiful baby girl. We continued to celebrate throughout the night. Later in the night, my mind that loves to play with numbers started to think…the date was 2/24. I added the digits 2+2+4 and realized that 8 was a lucky number in China.  It was a lucky number for me!

A few days later, I was sent further information about Katie. I was told a little about her personality.
* Active - still is
* Fond of music - still is
* Shy around strangers - still is
* Likes being clean - still does
* Likes colorful toys - still does but also likes less colorful ones
* Likes being held - not so much since she learned to crawl and walk, but does when she's tired
* Likes outdoor activity - still does

Referral Picture 

Referral Picture 

Referral Picture 

A Year Later 

Growing Up Fast

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