Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Let's Talk Politics

With Katie's interest in presidents, of course the upcoming election has captured her interest. I try not to let any of my feelings sway her one way or the other. I just try to be neutral about all of the candidates and let her be excited. However, I couldn't hold my tongue for long when she became convinced that Donald Trump would be the next president. At first I thought, "I'll just let her be excited even though I secretly don't have any respect for Donald Trump - presidential candidate or not." After a couple of weeks though, I had to explain, "I don't want Donald Trump to be our next president. He's not a very nice man."

Katie, in her thoughtful way, continued to let this statement meander in her head. She knew I didn't want Trump for a president, but she was still pretty sure that he was a good guy. I didn't try to discourage her any more than that. Then, Donald Trump sunk his own ship with Katie. She saw a clip of him on TV, showing his childish behavior - name calling and making fun of people. Well, Katie was incensed! No longer did she think he belonged in the presidential role. In fact, she was downright angry at him.

A few weeks into Katie's change in attitude, I asked Katie what she would write to Donald Trump if she were to write him a letter. She responded, "I don't want to write to him because he's a mean man, and he scares me." I explained that he would probably be nice to Katie if she met him in person. When she had that reassurance, she told me that she would write this letter.

Dear Donald Trump,
Why are you so mean? Why do you call people names? I'm not allowed to call people names. We even learn about it at school. You should come to my school to learn how to be nice to people. If you learn, you might even get some friends. When you use mean words, it isn't pleasant. I think the job you want is important, but you should be a nice person before you have it.

In the midst of all of this, Katie has still been enthralled in learning about the presidents. As I've mentioned, she has always liked naming the presidents in order. Recently, she also learned a presidents song. Once she learned it, she added on her own special ending.

This is one of my favorite songs!

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