Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Katie really wants a new cat. She loves Bingle, but whenever she sees another cat or kitten, she decides she has to have it. Bingle, however, is very much an only-cat cat. She doesn't want any cat friends around.

The other day, we were in the car and Katie saw a very cute fluffy orange cat that lives in the neighborhood. "I wish I had that cat." I told her I thought it was cute too. She kept talking, but I didn't hear what she said because I was talking to my mom. Then I heard, "Isn't that a great idea?" I asked her to repeat her idea, and she wanted to trade cats and take home the orange one. I told her that she wouldn't want to give up Bingle, and I would feel bad for Bingle. Katie quietly agreed.

Later in the day, Katie saw a picture of a different cat. She quickly said, "I wish I had that cat. I don't want a crumb-y cat!" (If you don't remember, Katie calls Bingle's dandruff "crumbs.") I told her again that I would feel bad for Bingle, and Bingle might get a complex to compete with a non-crumby cat.

The next day, she changed strategies. "Bingle misses her mommy a lot. We need to bring a mommy cat home for Bingle. An orange one. She misses her daddy too. We need two cats to bring home. Orange ones."

I'm sure she'll keep trying. In the meantime, she'll enjoy Bingle.

I really think Bingle needs a friend. 

She would love it, and so would I!

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