Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Going to a Birthday Party

Katie's friend, Kyla, was turning four, and Katie was invited to her party. She had such a good time!

At the end of the party, Katie made a big break through. The kids were playing in the backyard and with peer pressure, Katie finally walked through grass with bare feet. I have tried to get her to experience walking in grass with bare feet since she came home, and she has always resisted and hated the feel of the grass. I guess if you're having enough fun, grass doesn't seem as awful!

We started Kyla's party with a music class just like the ones I take. 

It was so much fun! 

Afterwards, we got to design unicorn horns since Kyla's party theme was unicorns. 

I added lots of stickers to mine. 

How do I look with a horn? 

We went outside, and I got to help Kyla's dad lead "Red Light, Green Light." 

Then I got to play it. 

Kyla's dad let us all blow our horns while we waited for cupcakes! 

I ate a little bit of frosting, and wiped my spoon on the napkin. Then I ate a little bit of cake, and wiped my spoon on the napkin. Then I ate a little ice cream and wiped my spoon on the napkin. I don't like to mix my food!

Kyla's sister helped blindfold me, so I could play Pin the Horn on the Unicorn. 

I placed the horn on the unicorn's tail! 

Then we all got to watch Kyla open her gifts! 

I was so excited when the jump house was inflating! 

I could jump on it all day long! 

I didn't want to walk in the grass with bare feet, but I was stuck, so I hurried on my heels! 

Even after I put my toes down, I wasn't sure about the grass. 

Kyla came over, and she didn't mind the grass at all. 

With her encouragement, I walked back and forth a lot between the jump house and the play set. Kyla is such a good friend!

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