Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pumpkin Patch, 2013

Katie has been noticing and admiring all of the Halloween pumpkins and decorations around the neighborhood this year, so we figured it was time for our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch to get our own pumpkins. Before we went, I asked Katie what kind of pumpkin she wanted this year. She told me she wanted a "big, big one with a door that opens." She told Jennifer and my mom that she wanted a green pumpkin. She had big dreams, but luckily her dreams were flexible. We didn't get a pumpkin with a door or a green one. We ended up with "beautiful pumpkins" though, according to Katie.

At the very end of the day, Katie was looking through the day's pictures with me. She sat quietly for awhile, and then said, "It was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful day in the cloud (fog)."

I was excited when we were waiting in line to get in the pumpkin patch. 

There was a little too much commotion around the hay pyramid for me. 

The hay bale maze was fun though. 

I liked seeing the animals, but I still didn't want to pet them. 

This goat was pretty nice. 

C'mon, Grandma! Let's go see some more animals. 

I found a turkey! 

The turkey came over and pecked at my mom's camera. 

I saw the chickens move too! 

My mom tried to get a picture with me, but I didn't want a picture, so I fake-coughed for every picture. 

I don't really like standing by this, but I always have to every year. 

I was excited as we waited in line for the hayride. 

 I couldn't wait to find my pumpkin.

We sat in the back corner for our hayride. 

Grandma squeezed in for a picture with us. 

Aunt Jennifer was excited to push the wheelbarrow! 

We made it to the pumpkin patch! 

I found a big, big pumpkin with a door! 

When Aunt Jennifer picked up the first pumpkin, she got all dirty. It was at this point that she said she missed Garyldine since she got to do part of the dirty work last year. 

After I touched this pumpkin, I had to check for dirty hands. 

"Here's a beautiful pumpkin!" 

I was interested in this bumpy pumpkin, but I didn't want to take it home. 

I thought this was a "good, beautiful pumpkin" too. 

I helped pick out all four pumpkins. 

I like the pumpkin patch. 

Winnie the Pooh stayed in my hood, so he wouldn't get lost. 

We all worked together to clean the pumpkins, but none of us really liked the dirty work. 

We got one picture with all of us! 

I ended my trip by trying out the tractors. 

This was my favorite tractor!

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