Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Funny Things Continued

A little while back, I posted "Funny Things." It was just a random list of things Katie does that make me laugh. I'm finding that she does more and more that I don't want to forget, things that don't necessarily have pictures tied to them.

I did it! I did it!

Can you imagine what a happy world we might live in if we all kept our toddler enthusiasm? I guess it might be a little strange for adults to have it, but I love it with Katie. Whenever she accomplishes anything on her own, she blurts out, "I did it! I did it!" It may be something as simple as unzipping her purse or as complicated as finding a correct piece in a jigsaw puzzle. She's just so happy with any accomplishment. 

I did it! I did it! I put my socks on!


Katie has the ability to be very dramatic when she chooses to be. Lately, she's dramatic about lifting things. Awhile ago, she learned the word heavy, and she used it correctly. I guess she decided it was a fun word to use. Now, she often uses it for things that are quite light. The other day, she was helping me cook eggs. I asked her to get the salt shaker. As she got it out, she said, "Heavy!" in a voice that sounded so put out, with a face that looked like I was asking her to carry bricks. I wish I could capture the voice and the look. I try to correct her and let her know when things really aren't heavy, but she does make me laugh with her dramatics.


I love the names Katie gives to things. I've already talked about her beloved friend, 'Nie Pooh (Winnie the Pooh). I'm going to miss that name when it changes.

She also has a little pig that goes with her building set. I asked her what his name was. She shouted out, "Hammy!" Isn't the pig on Toy Story called Ham? I think it is, but Katie has never seen that movie. I know she doesn't know that ham comes from pigs. I know that she loves both ham and her pig. I can only assume that she has a coincidental sense of humor!

The other name that I love that she uses is Gaga for her grandma. These days, she's starting to play around with using "Grandma." If my mom doesn't hear Katie calling her Grandma, or if she happens to be busy with something else, Katie switches back to Gaga, and she usually gets heard. I asked my mom if she would miss Gaga, and she said that she actually would. I'll miss it too.

Katie doesn't name a lot of things yet though. Her doll is Baby. Her polar bear is Bear. Her brown bear is Black Bear - yes, we're still working on colors. Most dogs are either Dog or Chloe. Most cats are either Cat or Bingle.


A Match!

Katie loves to find matches of any sort. When she finds them, she always shouts out, "A match!" Sometimes she matches things that are the same color. Sometimes she matches things like animals - a cat in a book and her stuffed cat. She finds lots of matches whenever she goes into a store. "A match! A match! A match!"  

I always like when she matches things in her books. I was reading her new book to her the other day. The main character was a dog, and the dog had seen birds in the garden. Later that day, she got out her drawing pad, and it had a dog and a bird on the front cover. She shouted out, "A match," and ran and got her book and opened it to a page with the dog and bird and put it next to her drawing pad cover. 

She has always loved all of the books that my friend, Noreen, sends her. Every time, Noreen sends a book, she writes a note in the front. Katie loves to find Noreen's notes and put them together. "A match!"

We hear "A match!" around 638 times a day, and her excitement when she says it never wanes.

A match!

Hey, Guys

Several months ago, Katie came running into the living room, wanting our attention, and shouted, "Hey, Guys!" It was so funny to us when she did it because we have no idea where she learned it. She usually calls us by name individually, but as a group, we're "Guys!" 

Hey, Guys!

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Speaking of not knowing where Katie gets some things, the other day, she started talking about cowboys and cowboy hats. I was watching out our back window with Katie the other day when some yard guys came to mow the grass. They were dressed as you would imagine most yard guys would be - t-shirts and jeans. It was a hot day, so they each also wore a hat (not a cowboy hat) to protect their heads from the sun. As soon as Katie saw them, she said, "Cowboys! Cowboys wear hats!" She watched the "cowboys" the whole time they worked. Then she watched them leave. For a long time after, she kept going back to the window and asking, "Where cowboys?" I guess she needs to narrow in on the definition of the word cowboy.

Old McDonald Had a Farm

As most people know, Katie loves to sing. One of her favorite songs is "Old McDonald Had a Farm." The funny thing is that she doesn't connect singing the song with just farm animals. She thinks the song fits all animals and plugs anything into the animal slot. Right after visiting Uncle Bill at Memorial Day, she started singing, "And on his farm he had a goldfish, E I E I O!" 

Later she started plugging in zoo animals. "And on his farm he had a giraffe, E I E I O!"

She has an ABC book with photographs of African Animals that she loves. It didn't take long for her to start using that book to help her with her song ideas. "And on his farm he had a dung beetle, E I E I O!"  Now the tricky part as you might imagine is helping her come up with the sounds her animals make. What noise does a giraffe or zebra make? How do you describe the noise of a dung beetle? I had to get creative.

One day, she chose to sing the song in the car. "And on his farm he had a Gaga, E I E I O!" When she was singing to Aunt Jennifer the other night, she sang, "And on his farm he had trash, E I E I O!" It's pretty funny to just wait for her next idea.

Where's the giraffe?

A New Song

Katie was looking out our back window with Aunt Jennifer one night. We often look out the back window to find animals. We usually see rabbits, birds, and squirrels, but we have been known to see raccoons, owls, and a bobcat, so it's always fun to watch. On this particular night, there wasn't much to be seen other than two doves on our back fence. That was enough to please Katie though. 

After watching the doves for awhile, Jennifer asked Katie if she wanted to sing. Katie wasn't coming up with any songs, so Jennifer started, "Twinkle, twinkle, little star." At this point, Katie, who always likes her music to fit the situation, interrupted, and said, "No! I see birds! Twinkle, twinkle little birds. How I wonder what are birds. I see birds. I see birds. I see birds. I see birds. Twinkle, twinkle little birds. How I wonder what are birds."

We liked the new version.

It's hard to find clip art to match, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bird."

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