Red Thread...

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that there is an invisible red thread that connects each of us to all of the individuals who have been, currently are, and will in the future be important to us in our lives.

This red thread can stretch, twist, and bend… but will never break.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Lunch in China Town

After the train ride, I knew Katie would be getting hungry, so Garyldine suggested eating in China Town since we were on our way there anyway. Katie is always happy with rice, and we knew we could find rice there.

After we got off the bus, the search was on for a restaurant. None of us had any idea about which restaurants were better than others, so here was our plan. Find a restaurant, have Garyldine scope it out, and eat there if it looked decent. Garyldine okay'd the first restaurant we found and we all placed our orders.

We were surprised to find that the pork with our rice was sliced with the bones still inside. After our first discovery of bones, we were just careful before putting a piece of meat in our mouth. The rice was also surprising. Bits of it were sweet and other bits weren't. Katie ate hers pretty well though. At the end of the meal, Katie was ready to move, so I took her outside to wait while Garyldine paid for the meal - thanks Garyldine! While I waited with Katie, I happened to look up and see a sign that made me laugh. Perhaps if we had looked at the sign, we may have made a different choice for lunch. Oh well…I'll have a lot of smiles over the memory of our lunch as it was!

I fell asleep on the bus ride to China Town, and I was hungry.

After our lunch, I played outside with my mom until she started laughing at the sign next door.

 We could have just trusted CNN's opinion about a restaurant instead of sending Garyldine into the unknown.

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